Tuesday 21 March 2017

Bad Habits

Something I have found really easy to do is fall into bad habits.

Bad habits.

Bad habits can be anything to anyone. Like going back to biting nails, or being too lazy to go jogging or smoking. They are so easy to go back to when you are really in need.

When things are going badly and you are having a rough time, its so easy to fall into bad habits. It's comforting. It's nice to fall back into something that gives some sort of relief, it acts as a reinforcer to carry on with the habit to give the same comfort, then the cycle starts again.

And the problem with this is that its very hard to break.

Mental health is a very strong example of a bad habit cycle.

Depression is an evil thing, in the way that it can drag you down so easily and so quickly that you soon turn to things you shouldn't be doing for a "quick fix" (if you will) of relief.

Whether this is habits in relation to eating, of self injury, or continuous thinking about something, it can cause so much more harm than your brain realises at that time.

Because these habits are so engrained into our minds and even our daily routine, we don't see the harm that than can cause. We only see the relief. We only see that in that moment of time, the habit in question will provide some sort of relief, comfort or even happiness that will calm us down and bring us back to reality.

Until it hits you what has happened.

Until you realise that you have gotten yourself into a cycle you had worked so hard to break yourself out of.

Until you start to think yourself as stupid and worthless and weak because you so easily gave in after putting in so much hard work before to stop yourself doing it.

Bad habits.

To me, bad habits are one of the biggest enemies a person can face. By beating a habit you are beating something that can be part of the reason you're this bad again, and you then can know you're winning half the battle.

But beating the habit is ridiculously hard. It's messy. It's full of being clean then relapse and times of depression and picking yourself up. Its a repeat of clean and relapse, clean and relapse. It's wishing you were someone else and wishing you were so much better at doing all of this and wondering why you arent a happy person who doesnt have to worry about the next time they will be happy and okay being too far away.

Bad habits however are beatable.

There will be a time where you win. You won't even know it's the last time it happens but it ultimately will be. Because bad habits don't win and relapse will stop and you will be okay. The thought of the bad habits will always be there but you will one day be strong enough to be able to move past it and do something better to channel the feelings.

Bad habits.

Nothing is worse than a bad habit. Don't keep falling into the trap.

They don't make it all okay. That's your job.

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