Tuesday 14 June 2016

"But We Will Win"

I am currently devastated.

I am currently in shock.

I am currently broken.

The discrimination faced everyday the LGBT+ community has to face disgusts me.

It's bad enough that my friend is spat at at work for being gay. It's bad enough that a trans person I've met was thrown out of his home because he was indeed transexual. It's bad enough that my friend can't hold her girlfriends hand in public because of the comments that people have made when seeing them. Heck, it's bad enough that people have cut me out of their lives because of my sexuality. It's bad enough that homosexuality is still illegal in many places of society (and gay marriage has only just been made legal in all American states.)

But the Orlando massacre was different.

I thought that society was bad enough as it was, discriminating our community for our sexualities (which as well as being bloody wonderful for us, are uncontrollable) but the murder of over 50 and the injury of many more in a Gay night club sickens me to the point where I can't physically describe the feelings because there are no words that can portray my disgust and outrage.

The fact that these beautiful, unique, happy people were taken from this world because one man decided that the person they loved/were attracted to is a valid reason for their lives to be taken away.

Why would you rather see two men holding guns than holding hands???

WHY is homosexuality such a "sin" but murder is okay?

The phobia in this world towards LGBT+ groups is so apparent, cruel and disgusting yet so many still deny its existance. They still deny the existance, when over one third of LGBT+ people have experienced bullying because of their sexuality in a school/college. When people who identify as LGBT are less likely to get a job than those of a hetrosexual identity. When LGBT people are 3 times more likely to experience depression and/or suicidal thoughts.

But why?

Why in todays society are some people so desperatly against anything but hetrosexual relationships that they go to such vile extremes?

Why are there still such pathetic discrimatory measures in everyday life, especially in regards of health care?

Why are hate crimes towards members of the LGBT community so fucking common in society?

Why does my love affect you SO much that you don't deem me worthy to live?

I just don't understand how the person I want to spent my life with affects you.

I'm not forcing you to be a part of the relationship. Me kissing a girl won't make you attracted to the same sex either. I'm just a young person in love. And love is love.

Love is love when a 17 year old is dating a 30 year old.

Love is love when a rich man is dating a poor woman.

Love is love when a white person marries a black.

So why don't you think love is love when it's a same sex couple?

But this attack wasn't one on just our community, it was an attack on us as a whole.

And anyway, your plan failed.

Because why you may have stopped us for a second. Why we may mourn now, why we may live the week in shock and why we will always remember this attack and the victims will always remain in our thoughts.

We will carry on.

We will continue to fall in love, we will continue to go to gay bars. We will continue to kiss our girlfriends or boyfriends in the streets, we will continue to marry the one we love even if you do not approve.

We are united.

Why we as a community has been brought together from your selfish thoughts and actions, you have lost everything.

And yes, we will experience this again.

I will continue to get shouted abuse at for my sexuality. My friend will still be spat at when working because of his. A young child will continue to be bullied in school for being gay and a transexual will continue to be assaulted for their identity. An asexual will continue to be called "abnormal" for their sexuality. A pansexual will still be told their sexuality simply doesn't exist and they are just seeking attention. We will continue to be attacked by those whose minds can't fathom that we live in a world where these relationships are okay.

But we will stand strong. We won't hide our identities in fear.

We will win, and you will lose.

And one day we will live in a society where "coming out" won't even exist, because there will be complete acceptance and normality of members of the LGBT+ community that it will be as common to hear as saying "oh I like football" or "I am 5"9." That day may not be today.

But we will win.

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