Once every 40 seconds, a person commits suicide.
Currently in England, female suicide rates are at their highest in 11 years.
Men are 3-4 times more likely to attempt suicide and succeed than women.
Suicide is the 3rd leading cause in death for those aged between 15-24.
As with every mental health illness under the sun, the stigma associated with suicide is one of the main reasons that keep people suffering with these thoughts in a dark they think they can never escape.
For some pathetic reason, people think suicide is a sign of weakness and a cry for attention. When it is nothing, absolutely nothing like that. But these people don't understand what it's like to have thoughts of suicide and could never understand what it's like to feel so alone, unhappy, hated, unwanted and sad that suicide is a real option.
Being in a state of mind where you believe that committing suicide is your only option to rid your life of the unhappiness, the numbness and the pain that you feel on a daily basis, is a horrible state of mind to be in. No words I can say can describe the awfulness of the state or even come close to be able to justify it. The feeling of loneliness and the feeling that people would be happier if you stopped breathing, along with the feeling of numbness and nothing at all.
It's knowing that there are people in the world that would be broken by your suicide and still thinking about it even so because you are so sure that you have no other options to rid yourself of the pain.
And the knowledge that you would hurt all the people who love you makes you hate yourself even more because you believe you're the worst person in the entire world when all you want to do it stop all the pain, anger and sorrow thats building up and needs to burst.
It's something I would never wish on anyone, even if they were the person i hated most in the world. It's something that is so evil that it doesn't just take away any happiness, it takes away you're personality and anything you used to be. You're so busy trying to combat this evil that you lose yourself in the process and it's so hard to rebuild at the end.
But there is a light at the end of the tunnel.
Because you are not alone.
Yes, it's so fucking hard to talk and find the help that you need to combat these thoughts. These feelings that aren't normal or beautiful or anything but pure pure evil. No one will hate you for speaking out. There is nothing wrong with admitting you need some help, everybody needs some sort of help sometimes.
You deserve to find the support you need to recover and to get the support you need to guide you to a place where everything feels okay again.
Find help. Find the support you need.
Don't be afraid.
You are not beyond help. You are not unfixable. You are a wonderful human being.
These feelings can be so overwhelming, I know.
I know what it feels like to close your eyes and hope you won't wake up the following morning. I know how it feels to feel like everything would be better off without you and to feel like the only way to stop the never-ending pain is to end your life. I know how it feels to be sat with thoughts of suicide alone in the dark with no one to ease the pain. I know how it feels to have given up. I know what it feels like to be sat with a handful of pills at 3 in the morning and talk yourself out of swallowing them and instead throwing them away.
You may feel like anyone you wish to confine in will hate you for these thoughts, be angry and refuse to help you, but they won't. They will be there with open arms, wanting to help a person they love get better.
That one step to recovery is the hardest, biggest and best step you will ever make.
The journey of recovery will be hard. It will take time and it will be full of ups and downs, but slowly yet surely, the negative thoughts of ending your life will fade away and you will start to feel a happiness again that you had been wanting and needing for a long time. You will in time kick mental health in the butt and win, being a better, stronger and happier person as a result.
You are strong. Beautiful. Amazing.
You are needed in this world.
And if you leave now, you will never experience your firsts, your spontaneous adventures, you will never create new amazing memories with those you love, you will never be able to experience lifes enjoyments and most importantly, you will never have the chance of ever getting better.
Suicide doesn't end the awful feelings, it just stops the chances of everything getting better.
"Stay alive, not just for today but for tomorrow too"
Because once every 40 seconds someone commits suicide, please don't let that be you.
If you are ever feeling suicidal or believe you are suffering from any form of mental illness, don't be afraid to ask for help. Whether this be today, tomorrow, in a years time or in 20 years time, always get the help you need.
For more information, for help or for instant help or support, follow these links:
(USA) http://www.suicide.org/suicide-hotlines.html
(OUTSIDE THE USA): http://www.suicide.org/international-suicide-hotlines.html
NHS WEBSITE: http://www.nhs.uk/Conditions/Suicide/Pages/Getting-help.aspx
MIND UK: http://www.mind.org.uk/information-support/types-of-mental-health-problems/suicidal-feelings/#.V9RyJ1dlnVo
CALM: www.thecalmzone.net
SAMARITANS: www.samaritans.org
HELP GUIDE: http://www.helpguide.org/articles/suicide-prevention/suicide-help-dealing-with-your-suicidal-thoughts-and-feelings.htm
CHILDLINE: https://www.childline.org.uk
YOUNG MINDS: http://www.youngminds.org.uk
TIME TO CHANGE: http://www.time-to-change.org.uk
TWLOHA: @twolha (twitter/ig/tumblr) / https://twloha.com
BUDDY PROJECT: https://twitter.com/ProjectBuddy
SANE: http://www.sane.org.uk
MGMH: http://www.globalmentalhealth.org